Friday, February 29, 2008


After having my mock interview on Wednesday, I can realize that there is some minor changes that need to be made before I do actual interviews for a real job.

While in the interview, I thought that I gave some great answers. I was trying to keep my responses as quick and informative as possible. I also had done some research before the interview about Fluor, so I was prepared for the in-depth questions that I was asked.

The things that I need to work on are mainly my question asking. I think that interviewers want you to ask questions when they open the floor up, and I should do that. I should make several questions before interviews to ask the employer.

Besides these couple things, I think that my interview was an overall success. I hope to make improvement so that by the time I have an interview for an actual job then I will be a master.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree - it was a success! You seem to be a people person, so I don't think you have too much to worry about when it comes to interviews. Just let your natural instincts guide you at the end, and I bet you'll think of some good questions to ask.